Sunday 14 June 2015

I let you into a little secret.

I let you into a little secret well its more of a big secret, my weight has got out of control. This was really brought home to me recently on a trip to the Philippines we were travelling to a beautiful island on quite a small plane, so small that you had to stand on the weight scales at check in, so the girl I was travelling with stood on the scales and her weight come in at 54 kilos, I stood on the scale and broke it lol so they had  to get a new scale I topped that at 110 kgs==>> its diet time.
So having enjoyed the rest of my holiday I have decided to do the Vemma bod-e 12 week challenge. My starting weight is 113.4 kgs so you can see I enjoyed the rest of my holiday and my blood pressure is a worrying 145/91, so you can see its  time to do something about all this.
With the 12 week challenge you get a bod-e 12 week challege app for your phone so Day1 starts off with Chris and Heidi Powell,  two really fit looking people waking you up to a really enthusiastic start, and you start with a bod-e Vanilla shake, this is brilliant lovely vanilla smoothie, and then they actually said I should have a high carb breakfast yippee, eggs and bacon on my first morning.
Well this is the diet for me lol. They also give you a diet plan with lots of menus to follow that look really interesting. For years now I have been Roller-skating, you can check me out below ==>>

John roller-skating in Nice

and people have ask me how I manage to keep so fit at my age, and one of the things I attribute this to, is the mineral and vitamin supplements that I take, up to now I have taken Neways liquid Maximol for mineral  and Neways Revenol for Vitamin  supplimentation. But now I have switched to Vemma which combines all the mineral and vitamin supplements in one daily liquid dose.

So I will keep you up to date with my progress on my 12 week Chris Powell bod-e challenge.
These products can be had from Vemma

The 12 week challenge products can be found here

Vemma incidently can also give you a real business opportunity and  help build your income in your spare time.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The weight has crept up again.

Having moved in my new flat and settled down to domestic bliss, my weight has crept up. I need to get back on the Lemon diet and take control, back to the gym. My bank balance is looking shot to, need to get going on that as well.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Holiday weight gain

Having had a couple of breaks I find my weight has leaped up again. Oh well back to my very successful diet. You can check it out here with 8 great free tips to lose weight. [Click here

Friday 10 February 2012

Holiday hasn't helped.

Just returned from the Phillipines and Hong Kong, part holiday part work, even eating a lot of Rice while I was away hasn't helped. My weight has gone up to 109.2 and my blood pressure has followed 155/91. I am getting out my book The Fat Burning Furnace this really helped a couple of years ago. Lets see what it can do this time around.
Kind regards

Saturday 7 January 2012

New Years Resolution

Christmas has taken its toll, my weight is to high 109 kgs so is my blood pressure 169/96 and my Bank Balance is to low lol. Join me on this journey to reverse all of these, Loss Weight, lower my Blood Pressure and increase my Bank Balance.